What is Reflexology?
Reflexology can be defined as specific massage like techniques applied to the feet. When these techniques are applied with intense enough pressure they provoke an action potential. An action potential is a self-regenerating wave of electrochemical activity that allows nerve cells to carry a signal over a distance. When action potential (also known as nerve impulses or spikes) occurs in the body through pressure, many structures of the body are affected by this stimulation including nerves, muscles, the central nervous systems, organs, and glands. Reflexology is healing experience through deep relaxation or stimulation that allows the body to initiate its own internal healing mechanism. Charlotte Irwin
Dear Charlotte, Thank you for the fantastic class in reflexology. You gave unconditionally as an instructor. Your wisdom, patience, knowledge,valualble experience and lessons in life to the class of 09.Time flew so fast now we are all here to graduate and move on to bigger and new things in our life. I've learned so much about healing and reflexology and what I need to be the natural healer to mankind.
Rupa Schodowski
REFLEXOLOGY CLASSES - Three reflexology levels offered:
Introductory Course - 16 Contact Hours
Objective of this class is to give the partcipant a working knowledge of reflexology. This class is completed in one weekend. Includes a general overview, charts and manual, plus hands on practice. After completion, class participant should have enough general knowledge and practice to help family and friends or enhance their massage or holistic practice.
Course Cost: $195 Due at registration
SCHEDULE listed below 16 CE awarded
Certification Program -150 Contact Hours
Instructed by Charlotte Irwin Based on the studies and experience of Charlotte Irwin, the certification course starts with the introductory weekend plus 5 more classes and a deeper study into the anatomy, physiology, specific protocols and research of reflexology. This program is offered in a series of six weekends once a month, or an intensive series of an every other week format. You will learn foot anatomy, basic physiology, specific reflex zones, application, plus an outside practicum of client hours to refine your skills.
The class offers 96 hours of classroom instruction, 50 practice sessions for practical experience and 4 hours credit for developing a presentation.$195 due at registration and 5 corresponding once a month payments during the program $975. Classes start January 12-13, 2013 and continue every other weekend for a total of 6 weekends. Please call 586-268-5444 for complete class schedule. (44 CE) awarded
Teacher Training Course - 40 Contact Hours
The objective of this class is to expand the opportunities for graduates of the certification course. After instruction on modules they receive all the materials to instruct the weekend or certification course. This can be completed through on-line instruction.
Cost of course is $1800 (12 monthly payments are available).
Charlotte Irwin:
Charlotte has studied and applied reflexology for the last 15 years. She is a nationally certified massage therapist, passed the national reflexology association written exam and is the author of Massage your Business with Purpose, Passion and Perseverance while Creating Profits. She is also the owner of Center for the Healing Arts & Massage, Michigan’s largest holistic health center. She brings a wealth of information to the students based on her 20 years of experience and studies with teachers Barbara Dobbs, Ingham reflexology and Dr. Manzanares reflexologic methods. She also teaches students how to develop and sustain a reflexology business.
Cynthia Ann Scott: Certified Instructor.
Cynthia Ann Scott has been applying reflexology treatments for over 23 years and has been teaching since 1999. She is also an instructor for Guardian Massage & Reflexology Program, a Michigan state licensed school. She is a nationally certified massage therapist and Michigan Licensed.
2013 Fall Intensive (every other weekend)
September 28-29
October 12-13
October 26-27
November 9-10
November 23-24
December 7-8
2013 Fall Monthly
September 28-29
October 29-30
November 17-18
December 14-15
January 11-12
February 8-9
Winter Monthly 2014
January 25-26
February 22-23
March 22-23
April 19-20
May 24-25
June 21-22 |
Day class 2013
Tuesday thru Thursday
October 1-3
October 29-31
November 12-14\November 3-5
December 3-5
December 1-12
Fall Intensive 2014
September 27-28
October 11-12
October 25-26
November 8-9
November 22-23
December 6-7 |
Available NOW! Lori and Charlotte's new DVD "Reflexology for Family and Friends"
$15 plus free shipping. Call 586-268-5444 to order

Call the Center at 586-268-5444 to Register.